
ETLive becomes Tracemail, with an edge

Giulia Perdomini

ETLive, Qboxmail tool that allows gathering detailed informations on services access and sent or received emails, is changing its name becoming Tracemail.

Professional email account managers often have to answer questions from their customers such as:

“I sent a message, but the recipient didn’t receive it.”
“I was waiting for a message, but it didn’t arrive.”
“I can’t access my mailbox, but I’m sure the password is correct”

Tracemail, available on Qboxmail Control Panel, provides useful informations in real time to quickly give assistance to customers by oneself.

How does it works?

By selecting a domain, a mailbox and a date, Tracemail will display the desired information in a few seconds.

Tracemail analyses three flows of informations for the indicated account:

Accesses analysis:

  • Users logins and logouts to POP, IMAP and Webmail services analysis.
  • Accesses are categorised in Successfull and Failed.
  • The reason causing an access to fail is indicated (eg. wrong password, user disabled, etc.).

Outgoing Emails analysis:

  • Emails are categorised in Delivered, Rejected, in the Queue.
  • It allows you to determine, in real time, whether a message just sent has already been delivered or is still in the queue.

Incoming Emails analysis:

  • Emails are categorised in Accepted, Quarantined and Rejected.
  • Antivirus and Antispam tests results are provided.
  • For rejected or quarantined messages it is possible to check the details on why the Email Security system decided not to deliver the message to the user.
Etlive analyzes incoming email messages in real time
Etlive analyzes incoming email messages in real time

New functionality: Locate Message

Received messages are often moved into folders and subfolders by users, or sometimes deleted by mistake.

Starting today, between the additional details provided by incoming emails analysis, you can benefit the Locate Message tool.
Thanks to this original tool, it’s going to be possible to find out whether an email has been deleted or has been moved into another folder, bin included.

PDF Report and Dashboard

PDF Report tool allows you to generate a document containing all the detailed informations related to messages and accesses, easily sharable with customers and IT support team.

Moreover, thanks to API integration it’s possible to create dashboards and reports to show to customers how many email they have sent and received.

Download now the Tracemail brochure.

Contact us for more informations and to try our services for free for 30 days.

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