
Qboxmail obtains the Public Administration Cloud qualification

Alessio Cecchi

ACN, National Cybersecurity Agency, has awarred Qboxmail the qualification as a Cloud service provider for Public Administration.

Qboxmail achieves qualification thanks to the recently acquired ISO certifications, without relying on ‘self-assessment’ even though it is provided by law.

Tender notice and PNRR for IT services

This qualification allows all our resellers to recommend Qboxmail’s services to Public Administration and to participate in tender notices, given the local Public Administrations’ need to invest PNRR funds in the purchase of IT services.

An entirely Italian supply chain for managing email for institutions and citizens

Qboxmail’s SaaS email services have been certified for direct delivery through Qboxmail’s Cloud Service Infrastructure, without the use of third-party or foreign services.

The services manager software (Control Panel, API, Webmail) is developped directly by Qboxmail’s professional team ensuring Public Administration customers an Italian supply chain for community data management.

Qboxmail in the Cloud Services Catalog qualified for Public Administration

In the Cloud Services Catalog for the Public Administration (formerly AGID Cloud Marketplace), have been certified as SaaS:

-Qboxmail Hosting

-Qboxmail Email Delivery

So, we can offer mailbox management services and a mass email communication service to the Public Administration.

As always, we are available to discuss with our partners and resellers any projects to present to your Public Administration customers.  

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