
Customize Qboxmail service for a unique user experience

Elena Moccia

Qboxmail provides a wide range of customization options to tailor the visual appearance and service access to your needs, ensuring a unique user experience.

The integration of the brand and the reseller’s name allows distributor companies to maintain the qualification of service providers, offering the advantages outlined in our White Label article.

What customization options are available?

Let’s explore together the various customization options offered by Qboxmail to adapt the visual appearance and service access to your needs.

Qboxmail provides two types of customizations: one for access parameters and the other for the graphic details of the service.

Customize the access parameters for Qboxmail services:

White Label

White Label customization eliminates any direct reference to Qboxmail, and it constitutes an option included in the standard service cost.
For resellers, White Label access parameters are available with URLs for Webmail, Panel, Archive, and Mail Time Machine. The White Label URL option is compatible with logo customization. Upon inserting a logo for a domain, it will display the logo you’ve added instead of the generic one associated with the provider.

Web Label

Customize access parameters for your chosen domain with this feature, offering flexibility as you can apply it to one or all applications. Activate this option for multiple domains to provide your clients or company with personalized URLs for accessing Qboxmail services. The Web Label option incorporates a valid SSL certificate for the specified domain into the platform, guaranteeing secure access to services. This is a premium feature with activation available for various modules, including Webmail, Control Panel, Archive, and Mail Time Machine. Web Label customization is also compatible with logo customization. Insert the logo for each domain and replace it with the default Qboxmail logo.

Private Label

General logo customization

With this option, you can replace the displayed logo with one of your choice. Your clients will see the selected logo on all Qboxmail applications. You can activate this function from the Control Panel, and it is included in the standard service cost

Domain logo modification

Customize the image in Qboxmail applications for users of a specific domain, include it in the Professional or Enterprise plans. Manage it through the Control Panel, along with other graphic customization options.

Manager logo change

You can grant your managers the autonomy to select their own logos for the domains they manage. Managers play a crucial role within the Control Panel, enabling you to delegate domain management to your clients or other secondary resellers. This option is included in the standard service cost.

Webmail color change (New!)

With Private Label, you can customize the color combination of Webmail, usually predefined in blue.

Optimize your email management and customize your Qboxmail service. Experience a new dimension of efficiency in your corporate communication

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