
Compliance Guide for Business Emails

Elena Moccia

The GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation) is a European Union legislation that regulates the processing of personal data of people within the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA). This regulation sets fundamental principles and rules that companies must follow when managing individuals’ personal data, including corporate email communications.

First, companies must be transparent about how they handle users’ personal data, including those in corporate emails.
They must communicate this information through an easily accessible and understandable privacy policy.

Another key principle of the GDPR is data minimization: companies must collect only the information strictly necessary for specific purposes and process it accordingly.Companies must ensure the security of personal data against loss, theft, unauthorized access, or any other misuse. This includes protecting corporate emails from unauthorized access by implementing appropriate security measures.

The GDPR grants individuals several rights regarding their personal data, including those in corporate emails, such as:

Companies must respect and guarantee these rights in compliance with current legislation. What data does the GDPR cover concerning corporate emails?

For corporate emails, personal data covered by the GDPR may include:

  1. Personal email address:
    Individuals’ personal email addresses are personal data, especially if they are not related to work.
  2. Name and surname:
    Identify people involved in email communications through their names and surnames.
  3. Job position:
    Job titles or departments mentioned in emails are personal data.
  4. Email content:
    The content of emails can include a wide range of personal information, such as opinions, ideas, projects, or personal data shared during communication.
  5. Attachments:
    Email attachments, such as documents or spreadsheets, may contain personal data.
  6. Email metadata:
    IP addresses, timestamps, and other data associated with emails can identify individuals.

A generic corporate email address (info@, administration@) does not fall under the personal data to be protected, as it is not directly linked to a person but to the company, a legal entity.

How to protect data in corporate emails and ensure compliance

Proper management of corporate emails requires a solid understanding of regulations and best practices.
This ensures security, privacy, and legal compliance.

Data Privacy and Protection

Consider data privacy and protection.
Companies must handle sensitive email information securely and legally. Adopt policies and procedures for processing and storing personal data.


Consider cybersecurity for compliance.
Corporate emails can be vulnerable to attacks like phishing and malware. Implement robust security measures to protect data. Use updated antivirus software, email filtering, and two-factor authentication for email systems.

Archiving and retention

Regulations require retaining emails for specific periods. Establish archiving and retention policies that comply with these regulations. Specify data retention periods in the privacy policy for each type of processing.

Training and awareness

Raise employee awareness about cybersecurity. Ensure employees know regulations and best practices for using corporate emails safely and effectively.
Train them on recognizing threats and avoiding data breaches.

What we do at Qboxmail for compliance

Our Email Security service provides active and passive protection for each email account

Active protection monitors incoming and outgoing emails. It detects and blocks spam, viruses, malware, and phishing.
Passive protection adds security with customizable policies. Define rules for filtering emails and set up multi-factor authentication.

For example, block or reject emails with certain attachments, suspicious links, or unsafe content.

Protect your corporate emails and try our Email Security service free for 30 days.

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