
Qboxmail for SMEs: simplicity, adequate tools, and security

Elena Moccia

SMEs: the beating heart of the Italian economy

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are small businesses with few employees. Providers of IT solutions for SMEs often overlook their size, offering options designed for larger, more structured organizations. An example? An SME with 5 employees may struggle to manage an email service that requires costly optional components without basic training.

Challenges SMEs face in managing corporate emails

SMEs often manage tools similar to those used by large companies, but without the same resources or expertise. Email communication management is a clear example. Many service providers design solutions for companies with over 200 employees, an internal IT department, and continuous training resources.

“Big tech” solutions: a problem for SMEs

Large tech companies offer basic email services that require customers to add expensive but necessary optional components, such as backup, antispam gateways, and antivirus. These additional services, while ensuring the security of corporate communications, represent an additional expense for SMEs.
These companies end up managing multiple separate services instead of a single one.

Qboxmail: a tailored solution for SMEs

Benefits for SMEs: Qboxmail offers a complete and agile solution that does not require advanced technical skills. We aim to simplify users’ email experience, providing a high-level service that includes antivirus, antispam, and backup solutions.

Benefits for partners and resellers: Qboxmail provides a comprehensive package of backup and antispam and antivirus solutions. This reduces the need for partners to offer additional separate services. SMEs save on overall costs by purchasing a single comprehensive service instead of three distinct ones.

Support: With Qboxmail, support becomes simpler, thanks to a single point of contact for technical assistance. This improves efficiency and customer satisfaction, preventing competitors from exploiting service fragmentation to offer cheaper alternatives.

The professional plan of Qboxmail for SMEs: tools, security, and support

1. Adequate and simple tools: Qboxmail develops simple, ISO-certified tools with high security levels and an integrated Antimalware Solution.
Among these tools are:

2. Security: greater protection against cyber attacks Emails are a primary channel for cyber attacks. Thus, email communication security must always be under control. Protect your emails with:

3. Qualified and efficient technical support and assistance SMEs require quick and effective technical support to minimize downtime and maintain operational continuity. Qboxmail offers support:

30-day free trial of Qboxmail

Experience the difference with Qboxmail. Start your 30-day free trial and personally evaluate the tools, solutions, and advantages of the service.

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