
Why choose Qboxmail for your business emails

Elena Moccia

Why choose Qboxmail for managing your business emails?
Qboxmail, a Cloud suite designed for ease of use and implementation, offers advanced tools accessible without specific technical skills.

Qboxmail is the ideal solution for SMEs looking for a secure and professional way to manage and organize their business emails.

Our goal is to enhance the user experience with high-level services.
These include integrated antivirus, antispam, and backup solutions. We design our services to make companies operational and productive without costly training or infrastructure.

Our Commitment

Qboxmail commits to IT research and development in Italy, creating value for our country and ensuring that every euro spent on our services directly contributes to local economic growth. This positive impact on the area demonstrates our commitment to the community and the country we operate in.

In 2023, we achieved ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 27017/27018 certifications, and qualification at ACN for providing Cloud services to the Public Administration; these are recognitions of our commitment to delivering high-quality services and adopting the best security and management practices. These achievements underscore our commitment to quality and security.

A short Supply Chain for control and security

Choosing a short supply chain of suppliers, mainly based on European partners, is one of the main advantages of Qboxmail’s services.
This choice allows us to maintain total independence from non-European external suppliers and external Cloud services.

Our team develops our software largely internally, and we prefer to use open-source platforms to which we actively contribute. This strategy allows us to keep greater control over the supplier chain, ensuring security and reliability for our customers.

The short supply chain also helps us offer stable and competitive prices, reducing our exposure to cost variations imposed by third parties. Our autonomy enables us to respond quickly to market needs and our customers.

Advanced Cyber Security

Cybersecurity, its understanding, and awareness by companies and personnel, is an absolute priority.

We have a Network Operations Center (NOC) and a Security Operations Center (SOC) operating 24 hours a day, to constantly monitor our services. Our security measures are aligned with European regulations, such as GDPR, NIS 2, and DORA. Furthermore, being an Italian company with predominantly European suppliers, we guarantee full compliance with European directives without compromise.

Our Commitment to Data Security

We commit to securing your data with local infrastructure and internal management.
It is important to note that, although we may host data in Italy or Europe, US companies’ management might subject it to US legislation: this means that the US government could access the data without notice.
Companies respond to the laws of the country where they have their main headquarters, regardless of the physical location of the data.
With Qboxmail, your data remains protected and compliant with strict European regulations.

Three services in one: Email, Security, and Backup

Managing business emails often involves integrating various services to ensure data security and preservation. Typically, large technology companies market basic email services that require customers to add costly additional components, such as:

Qboxmail simplifies this process by offering a complete and affordable package.
Our Email Hosting service already includes:

The technical support of Qboxmail

Qboxmail combines innovation and security, engaging adequately trained personnel to provide technical support to customers as quickly as possible. Our qualified “human” support, without switchboards and bots, helps us address problems more rapidly, understand them, and resolve them quickly.

Choosing Qboxmail means relying on a company that prioritizes a range of secure, reliable, and sustainable email hosting services.

Choose Qboxmail for a partner that values Italy and offers cutting-edge solutions in the ICT sector. Contact us for more information or start your free 30-day trial.

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