
Data Processing, Privacy Notice and Consent

Elena Moccia

Personal data is a valuable resource and a great responsibility. Data processing does not stop at simple collection or registration. It includes every operation—from organizing and consulting to communicating and deleting data. Carry out each step safely, transparently, and with full respect for data subjects’ rights.

The Principle of Minimization

Every data processing operation must be justified by a clear and legitimate purpose. Collecting or storing unnecessary data increases the risk of violations and can compromise user trust.
For this reason, share only the strictly necessary information by accompanying every data transfer with a transparent privacy notice and obtaining the explicit, informed consent of the data subjects.

Privacy Notice, Consent, and Data Subject Rights

A clear privacy notice explains in plain language how companies collect, process, and protect personal data. It details the purpose, methods, recipients, and security measures adopted.
Consent gives users explicit authorization to process their data. The privacy notice informs, and consent becomes the act of acceptance. It remains free, specific, informed, and revocable at any time.
Data subjects exercise fundamental rights such as access, rectification, deletion, usage limitation, objection, and portability.
Companies guarantee these rights through clear and prompt procedures.

Guidelines for Responsible Data Management

By adopting rigorous behavioral criteria for data processing, organizations avoid risky conduct and prevent abuse. Follow these rules to process company data correctly:

Proper data management protects the business from financial penalties and safeguards its reputation. An organization that shows transparency and commitment to data protection earns the trust of clients and partners, strengthens lasting relationships, and boosts its market position.

Qboxmail and GDPR Compliance

Qboxmail fully respects European privacy and data protection regulations by implementing advanced technical and organizational measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular audits.
We process data only for essential purposes.

We back our commitment with ISO 27001 certification and the ISO 27701 extension. The first confirms that we run an effective information security management system. The second includes specific data protection requirements and eases GDPR compliance. These measures protect our company from economic sanctions and strengthen the trust of our partners, clients, and stakeholders.

Qboxmail stands as a reliable benchmark in the email hosting market; discover more about Qboxmail and learn how we offer a compliant and secure solution for your business.

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