Email Security

Increase the security of your copan emails

With Qboxmail you immediately have an Email Security solution available, without have to install or configure external gateways or services. And it is price included.

Active and passive protection

The Qboxmail Email Security service provides both active and passive protection. Active protection protects mailboxes from any malicious material directed towards email addresses. Passive protection helps increase the security of the company mailbox through targeted and configurable security policies.

email security scheme

Multilevel protection

Active Antispam and Antivirus protection consists of 3 commercial / third-party engines to protect emails.

Added to this is an algorithm for calculating the reputation of the sender IP capable of assigning a positive or negative score to the overall evaluation of the message.
The sensitivity of the filter can be customized on 4 calibration levels.

Three third-party commercial engines dedicated to email protection

  • Ransomware attacks protection
  • Phishing and Trojan protection
  • Bulk Email and unwanted material protection

Account Takeover Protection

The Account Takeover is an attack with the which criminals manage to steal the victim’s identity by stealing their login credentials.

Qboxmail includes an Account Takeover Protection system . Protection consists of various levels of analysis and procedures. The accesses to the mailboxes are constantly monitored and if anomalous they can trigger an alarm.

The user is also notified if a forwarding of his emails to an external address is set in his email box.

Security policies

The Email Security solution integrated in Qboxmail allows you to set and define numerous security policies in order to adapt them to the specific needs of a company or a group of users.

For example, it is possible to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on all users and only for a group of users to enable conditional access to emails only if they connect from trusted IPs.

Main security policies available

  • Force password change on first login
  • Block old passwords reuse
  • Disable password change
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • Force two-factor authentication use
  • Restrict access by authorized IP

Antimalware Premium

Discover Antimalware Premium by Qboxmail, the advanced solution for email security.
Protect your business communications from malware and phishing with machine learning technologies and behavioral analysis.

Integrated into the Professional and Enterprise plans, Antimalware Premium offers comprehensive and adaptive protection, reducing risks, downtime, and preserving your corporate reputation.

  • Advanced protection with machine learning
  • Increased customer trust
  • Adaptive protection against new threats
  • Reduced crisis management costs
  • Improved operational efficiency

Other advantages

The Email Security solution offered by Qboxmail has the advantage of being fully integrated into the platform, so it is available from the first access and does not require further configuration or maintenance.

It also protects from the so-called “gateway by-pass” a technique used by scammers to send emails directly to the server’s MX by-passing the antispam gateway.

  • Autonomous management of Whitelist and Blacklist
  • Filtering level customization
  • Analysis of blocked or rejected emails via Tracemail
  • Antivirus and Antispam also on internal and outgoing emails
  • Notifications in case of abusive SMTP logins or suspicious submissions

Try Qboxmail services for free for 30 days

Try the Qboxmail Cloud for FREE for 30 days, designed to better manage corporate emails. You will discover a service designed to increase the safety and productivity of your company.

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