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Microsoft New Commerce Experience

Microsoft New Commerce Experience: What Changes for Resellers and Partners

With the New Commerce Experience (NCE) Microsoft wants to create a standard for the purchase of 365 and Azure services. Microsoft's goal is to make it easier for its resellers and partners to purchase and renew subscriptions to its services....


Email hosting providers benchmark: Qboxmail

With this last chapter, we have come to the end of a series of related articles, written with the intention of helping the reader to gain clarity on the world of email hosting providers. This series opened with a reflection on...


Email Hosting Providers Benchmark: Google Workspace

The management of professional business emails is a key activity. This is proven by the fact that in addition to Microsoft, another American big tech also comes up with a broadly similar solution. Today, in fact, we will examine the email...


Email Hosting Providers Benchmark: Microsoft 365

Among the options evaluated for this analysis, we could not miss Microsoft, which since 1996 has offered a solid solution for professional email management via their Exchange software. Using the same analysis method as in the previous articles, today we will...


Email Hosting Providers Benchmark: Web Hosting Provider’s Email Accounts

After reviewing the pros and cons of creating, managing and maintaining a dedicated mail server, today we will evaluate, along the same lines, the email accounts offered by hosting providers in conjunction with the registration of a domain and web...


Email Hosting Providers Benchmark: Dedicated Mail Server

With today's article, we will start analysing the alternatives offered on the market with regard to email hosting.The purpose is to evaluate the possible options to give you benchmarks that will help you choose the option that best suits your...

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