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7 Best Practices in Selling and Managing Professional Emails

Having highlighted why managing your customers' e-mails is a crucial activity, let's now take a practical look at some procedures and good habits that should be adopted when performing sales and management of professional email services. 1. You are the...


Why you should manage your customers’ emails

Given the relevance of the topic this will be the first of a series of 3 articles. The series will highlight why managing customer emails should be a must for an IT professional. We will also try to identify what...


How to verify and update your SPF, DKIM and DMARC records

SPF, DKIM and DMARC represent a valid help to prevent your domain from being used for Email Spoofing attacks, i.e. sending messages with a fake sender. They are also useful for improving domain reputation and email deliverability rates. The attacks...


Gaia-X and Data Sovereignty, why they matter for Europe

What is Gaia-X? Gaia-X is a major European project that aims to create a standard for the creation of a European Cloud that will be based on a transparent and sovereign data infrastructure. The aim of the project is the...


Ransomware attack: how it spreads and how to protect yourself

Cyber attacks are growing in quantity and severity As stated in the Clusit 2022 Report, 2021 was the worst year ever recorded. Overall, the world's serious cyber attacks increased by 10% compared to the previous year. Of the attacks detected,...


New Tasks management tool integrated into the Webmail

Can you keep in mind all the things to do during your working days?At Qboxmail we prefer to take note of every task, appointment and detail, but we can no longer continue to cover desks and walls with colored post-its.For...

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