API for email hosting

Build your mail server in Cloud via API and implement it into your business processes

Qboxmail offers you a range of API interfaces that will make your services easy for customers to use. Activation and email accounts management are automatic. All aspects of provisioning, billing, or creating dashboards are integrated for your convenience.

Integrate your applications

Our API interfaces aim at making the management of a programmable mail server quick and easy. With API by Qboxmail, even the pickiest customer will be satisfied when creating their own control panel. You will be surprised by learning how quick it is to integrate different services directly into your management or business automation software. Seeing is believing!

What can you do with APIs?

  • Create email accounts
  • Manage passwords
  • Set security policies
  • Create email aliases and forwards
  • Analyze usage metrics
  • Monitor logins
  • and more!
api scheme
Go language
Go language
Node JS
Node JS
C# language
C# language

API with your programming language of choice

Following RESTFul protocols and JSON technology, the Qboxmail API can be easily integrated with any programming language and in any software application or business procedure.

Quick and easy implementation

Using API for the creation of email accounts in Cloud is very simple. After generating an access token and some Curl calls, you can be up and running immediately.

panel api qboxmail examples

Try things out without worries

The first step to automate your infrastructure with API is learning how to use them. This is why we have a Sandbox available for you to experiment with the use of our APIs in total safety.

By requesting Sandbox access, you will immediately receive the credentials to start working on your next cloud-managed email solution.

Request Sandbox access
Qboxmail API and Control Panel

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