Control Panel

A single console from where you can manage the email accounts of all your domains. Totally self service and multi level

Designed and developed entirely by our R&D department, Qboxmail’s control panel is designed to meet the needs of all types of customers, from resellers to the IT Manager of a large company.

One console to manage all your email accounts

From a single dashboard, you can manage all the email accounts of your users even on multiple domains. You can also give management autonomy to both your collaborators and customers. All in maximum security and privacy.

In addition, our control panel allows customers to be totally independent in the management of their email accounts, from activation to technical support.

Qboxmail Control Panel

A multilevel choice: delegating makes life easier

We developed our control panel thinking about the needs of resellers and companies with their own IT department. That’s why we offer our customers the possibility to create different kinds of roles for additional or external collaborators, with specific privileges and limits.

For example, you could create an account for each member of your team, or assign the management of certain services directly to your customers following the limits you have set.

Benefits of Multi-Level
This image represents a hierarchical structure using a pyramid diagram. The different levels of the pyramid are labeled with roles such as Admin, Team Members, Managers, and Postmasters

White Label and customization

Access to the control panel is guaranteed in White label mode, which hides any direct reference to Qboxmail and lets you customize you email address with the name of your domain.

The graphic of the control panel can also be personalized, so as to show your users or customers the name and logo of your company, or those of your customer.

Find out more

Centralized email signature management

The signature of an email message is an important component of the corporate image. It is therefore essential to use a coherent personalized signature for all the accounts of a domain.

Through the Control Panel you can manage domain signatures quickly and easily, applying your professional signature to all accounts with one click.

Discover how to manage signatures
Email signature editor with dynamic fields for name, company and contacts, identity and logo management Liquid

Try Qboxmail services for 30 days for free

Try the Qboxmail mail hosting service in cloud for 30 days for FREE, designed to better manage corporate emails. You will discover a service that is aimed at increasing the safety and productivity of your company.

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