Zoom integration

Organize video calls right from your calendar

Organize video meetings directly from your calendar, quickly and easily. You can also invite people outside your company.

Simple and accessible

Just one click to activate the integration with Zoom within the Qboxmail Webmail, you can immediately create virtual rooms for your meetings.

Zoom will allow all participants to the event to connect from both computers and smartphones without registration.

Zoom interface screen showing a scheduled meeting titled 'Webmail design review' and a view of the mobile app with the list of contacts and recent calls.

Plan your video meetings

Planning a video meeting, even with people outside the company, is simple and immediate thanks to the integration of Zoom within the Qboxmail Webmail.

Just select Zoom as the place of the event, the link will automatically be added directly to the invitation that the participants will receive.

qboxmail integration of event creation via webmail with zoom

Everyone can participate

Participants in your video meetings do not necessarily have to have a Zoom account to participate, they will simply have to click on the link inside the event, and they will access directly from the browser.

In this way you will be able to organize video meetings also with your external collaborators, with suppliers or customers of your company.

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting invitation titled 'Webmail design review' displayed on an email and browser with the Zoom meeting start page.

Try Qboxmail for free for 30 days

Try the Qboxmail Cloud for FREE for 30 days, designed to better manage corporate emails. You will discover a service designed to increase the safety and productivity of your company.

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