Mail Time Machine

Automatic Email backup is included in the service

Mail Time Machine is a tool that allows you to access your email account’s backups to verify or recover any lost messages.

Mail Time Machine

With Mail Time Machine, users can access backups of their mailboxes, performed in the previous 15 days, to check the status of the backups or restore messages.

Mail Time Machine deals with requests for recovering accidentally deleted emails that may arrive from service users in real time.


Automatic backup

Email Backup is made every day automatically using Snapshot technology, which stores messages in read-only mode directly in our storage. This has no impact on service performance.

It is possible to restore both individual messages accidentally deleted by a user, or entire email accounts in the event of human error.

Try Qboxmail services for free for 30 days

Try the Qboxmail Cloud for FREE for 30 days, designed to better manage corporate emails. You will discover a service designed to increase the safety and productivity of your company.

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